Saturday, April 26, 2014

No Child After a Girl Child

Government introduced a rule saying, once a couple gets a girl child, they should not have any more children. What would be the ratio of boys to girls after n years?

It would be 1:1 only [If we assume, for any birth the ratio of boy to girl is 1:1].

Let's suppose, if there 1000 couples. If we take 1:1 in the births, then 500 would give birth to boys and 500 would give birth to girls.

The couple who gave birth to girls will not conceive anymore. The 500 couple who gave birth to boys would give birth to 250 boys and 250 girls in the next delivery.

The couple who gave birth to 250 girls would stop conceiving, and the remaining 250 couple would try again.

They would give birth to 125 boys and 125 girls.

The same thing is repeated and the ratio would be 1:1 at the end.

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